Leipzig, Germany


Venue Address

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology
Perlickstraße 1
04103 Leipzig

How to reach the Fraunhofer IZI 

Exterior view of the Fraunhofer IZI building

Exterior view of the Fraunhofer IZI building. © Fraunhofer IZI

Interior view of the Fraunhofer IZI building

Interior view of the Fraunhofer IZI building. © Fraunhofer IZI

Leipzig – the vivid metropolis

Located in the east of Germany in between Berlin and Dresden, Leipzig enjoys one of the most diverse and vibrant city-flairs of its kind.

As a university town or a place of business and trade, as a city of leisure and nature as well as a cultural hub – Leipzig captivates its visitors and inhabitants every time anew with its wide range of possibilities.

Artists and poets like Goethe, Lessing and Johann Sebastian Bach have left their marks in this city and helped to establish an important cultural center. Until today, the strong and active cultural life can be experienced in the famous Gewandhaus, the St. Thomas church, the central theater or the Leipzig Opera house. Museums, collections and galleries of contemporary art like the Spinnerei are a proof of the hip art scene, lately emerging in Leipzig.

In the last years, Leipzig has also achieved economic success with important industry establishments like DHL, Porsche and BMW. Combined with an efficient traffic infrastructure, Leipzig has developed as an important intersection for business and commerce and therefore follows its long reputation as significant center for trade and fairs.

Old City Hall of Leipzig

The Old City Hall of Leipzig. © LTM - Schmidt

Leipzig Plagwitz with its unique industrial architecture

Leipzig Plagwitz with its unique industrial architecture in the west of Leipzig. © LTM - Schmidt

Welcome to Leipzig – and welcome to the Leipzig Immune ONcology (LION) Conference at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology!



For more information about Leipzig, please view the official tourism site of Leipzig: www.leipzig.de